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Ph.D. position available (2023 Spring or Fall )  
Two doctoral (Ph.D.) research assistant (RA) student positions are available on the Self-Assembly and Engineering of hybrid polymer-nanomaterial systems. The Ph.D. position is financially fully supported including the tuition and stipend. 


(1) Advance manufacturing technology of high-rate assembly of nanomaterials for flexible electronics and functional coatings,  
(2) Engineer interfacial interaction between polymer and nanomaterials and design nanoscale hybrid structures of polymers and nanomaterials, 
(3) Design, fabricate and test high-performance flexible electronic devices. 


(1) Bachelor or Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering (Material Processing Engineering), Chemical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics or related disciplines. 
(2) Strong motivation in highly interdisciplinary field. 

Preferred qualifications: 

(1) Research experience of surface functionalization of nanomaterials,  
(2) Experience in polymer engineering,  

(3)Experience in mechanical/electrical/optoelectrical measurement and control software (Matlab, Labview, etc), 
(4) Hands-on experience in designing and fabricating experimental set-up 

(5) First author publication on peer-review journals. 

Deadline: Position will be available until filled.  
To apply for this financially-fully-supported Ph.D. student position, please send a detailed CV, a brief statement of research interests, the scanning of transcripts, and the contact information for 2 references, all as email attachments in PDF format, to Dr. Bo Li. 
The applicants also need to check Villanova Engineering Graduate Admission Requirements (some of the requirements are automatically satisfied due to the full financial support): ... n/requirements.html 

English qualification:
GRE will not be required for this application. TOEFL score of 80 or IELTS of 7. The English requirements might be not particularly critical if the research experience stands out.  



Review of the applications will start immediately until the position is filled. Please submit application materials to (preferred);

Contact information

Villanova University

Recent news

Villanova University, Mechanical Engineering

800 E. Lancaster Ave. 

Villanova, PA 19085


HNAM laboratory location: Drosdick 304&244


Dr. Bo Li ;

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