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  1. Mingyuan Sun, College of Engineering Ph.D. Support Award, 2024-2025

  2. Christopher Marinko, Trey Williams, ME Junior Research Scholar, 2024-2025

  3. Jack Feczko, ME Sophomore Research Scholar, 2024-2025

  4. Chenchi Gong, Dean’s First Year Fellowship for Ph.D., 2023-2024

  5. Lexie Dyke, ME Junior Research Scholar, 2023-2024

  6. Kathryn Feddish, Christopher Marinko, Trey Williams, ME Sophomore Research Scholar, 2023-2024

  7. Deana Yuan, Small Research Grant, Villanova University, 2023-2024

  8. Kathryn Feddish, Catherine Wollan, Christopher Marinko, Trey Williams, Deana Yuan, Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students, Villanova University, Spring 2023 

  9. Kathryn Feddish, Catherine Wollan, Clare Boothe Luce Engineering Scholars Program, Villanova University, 2023

  10. Lexie Dyke, ME Sophomore Research Scholar, 2022-2023

  11. Christopher Masternick, The Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (VURF), Villanova University, 04/2021

  12. Dong Zhou (Ph.D. student), ME Mechanics/Materials Ph.D. Award, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Villanova University, 06/2021

  13. Kelly DeLawder ’22 EE, William Taubner '22 CBE, Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students, Villanova University, 2019

  14. Nicholas Yoo, ’21 CE, 2021 Falvey Scholars Award, Villanova University, 04/2021

  15. Dong Zhou (Ph.D. student), Best Poster of Advances in Manufacturing, Society-Wide Micro and Nano Technology Forum IMECE 2019, 11/2019

  16. Nicholas Yoo, ’21 CE, Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students, Villanova University, 2019

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Villanova University

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Villanova University, Mechanical Engineering

800 E. Lancaster Ave. 

Villanova, PA 19085



HNAM laboratory location: Drosdick 304&244


Dr. Bo Li ;



Welcome new Ph.D. students: Sheraz Ahmed and Chenchi Gong!

Chenchi Gong named Dean’s first year fellowship

Lexie Dyke named 2023/24 ME Junior Research Scholar 

Trey Williams and Christopher Marinko named 2023/24 ME Sophomore Research Scholar

Christopher Marinko, Deana Yuan, Trey Williams, Kathryn Feddish, and Catherine Wollan received Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students. Congradulations!

Kathryn Feddish and Catherine Wollan received The Clare Boothe Luce Engineering Scholars Program at Villanova (CBL-ESP) fellowship. Congradulations!

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