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Jedi Training Activities (1).tif

•Goal: In this activity, the students will recognize non-contact forces that can be introduced through external fields such as magnetic field.

•Activities: students will be asked to find out how to move a playdoh without touching it.

•The mentor will guide the students to find out the important role of magnetic iron particles and then introduce the magnetic force.

•This activity will naturally lead to The Force 2.


•Goal: In this activity, the students will be introduced with fundamental concept of composite and composite manufacturing.

•Activities: students will be asked to mix iron particles with playdoh to make playdoh animals that can be driven by the magnets.

•The students will also finish a Jedi training of drive the lightsaber like a real Jedi. This can be done by wrapping the magnetic playdoh on lightsaber.

•Then, the instructors will introduce the concepts of composite and composite manufacturing.

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Villanova University, Mechanical Engineering

800 E. Lancaster Ave. 

Villanova, PA 19085



HNAM laboratory location: Drosdick 304&244


Dr. Bo Li ;



Welcome new Ph.D. students: Sheraz Ahmed and Chenchi Gong!

Chenchi Gong named Dean’s first year fellowship

Lexie Dyke named 2023/24 ME Junior Research Scholar 

Trey Williams and Christopher Marinko named 2023/24 ME Sophomore Research Scholar

Christopher Marinko, Deana Yuan, Trey Williams, Kathryn Feddish, and Catherine Wollan received Villanova Match Research Program for First Year Students. Congradulations!

Kathryn Feddish and Catherine Wollan received The Clare Boothe Luce Engineering Scholars Program at Villanova (CBL-ESP) fellowship. Congradulations!

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